An investigation of how our sleeping habits impact our lives when we are awake.

We spend about one third of our lives in bed, but because we are generally not conscious, we give little thought to the implications of our time in this space for our relationships and general experiences. What does it mean to be in bed? What is our relationship to being in bed? And what does it mean to share a bed with another person? Or to stop sharing it?

Dream Suite investigates our activities in and around our beds and their signifigance. Whether we engage in play, intimacy, frustration, worry, dreaming, or deep problem solving, our time in bed greatly influences the rest of our lives. Moreover, our thoughts about being in bed shape our feelings about ourselves.

  • Photos: Alexis Silver
  • Dancers: Alexandra Wood, Alexandra Tenreiro-Theis, Alex Abarca, Kyle Mullins, Caitlin Sikora
  • Music: Fritz Wunderlich and Hubert Giesen performing Schumann
  • Premiere: Tisch School of the Arts, NYC, May 28, 2015

Dream Suite... dream... from Caitlin Sikora on Vimeo.

Featured works

Grassy Ass

An exploration of tactics for meeting needs in relationships.

Critical Moment

An examination of the process of changing behavioral patterns using interactive projections.

Blue Vector

A rendering of the opposition experienced across a dancer's moving body.